
The 5 Things You Need for a British Christmas

The 5 Things You Need for a British Christmas

Everyone has their own Christmas traditions, but there are a few things we think you need to make your celebrations truly British.

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Why Brits Should Care About Presidents' Day

Why Brits Should Care About Presidents' Day

  Fun Fact - Presidents' Day isn't really about all of the past Presidents of the United States.  There's a long history behind it, but the gist is this: In 1971, President Nixon combined George Washington's Birthday (February 22nd), Abraham Lincoln's Birthday (February 12th), and the country's desire to have more long weekends (we're not pulling your leg, take a look) into one nationally recognized holiday - Presidents' Day.  So...

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Valentine's Day Chocolates

Valentine's Day Chocolates

There are two types of people in this world: people who eat good chocolate, losers. Be the right type of person this Valentines' Day with our guide to Valentine's Day Chocolates.  For the Traditionalist  https://www.britishfoodsupplies.com/products/cbury-milk-tray-360g-4-pack?variant=31888542414 For the Romantic  https://www.britishfoodsupplies.com/products/terrys-all-gold-dark-chocolate-380g?variant=31109680835 For the Fun Lover    http://britishfoodsupplies.com/collections/sweets/products/cbury-roses-tub-729g-4?variant=31532829902 For the Super Mum  https://www.britishfoodsupplies.com/products/cbury-heroes-chocolate-carton-323g?variant=31556588494 Comment and tell us which box you'll be giving your significant other!

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Take The Turkey

Take The Turkey

Now that Thanksgiving is over (a lovely American holiday, we would like to add), we can finally get back to the REAL turkey business: Christmas.  It's time we #TakeTheTurkey and remind everyone that there's nothing quite like an English Christmas dinner.  Turkey was introduced to Britain by William Strickland - a traveler who acquired the birds on his journey to the Americas. It was quickly adopted as the traditional Christmas...

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