It's [Royal] Wedding Season!

It's [Royal] Wedding Season!

If you are one of the many Brits waking up bright and early on Saturday morning to watch the wedding live from the US, do we have some tips for you. 

1. Caffeine. Is. Key. Stock up on tea for you and your guests. Ex-pats pay the price (of a time difference) after all. Shop the selection here
2. Get in the spirit! While Harry and Meghan might not be dining with these, we think they'll add a nice touch to your watch party. 

    3. Be on the lookout for mistakes. We're all routing for our American             princess, but who can forget Diana's famous blunder? Listen carefully for some  nerve-induced (adorable) hiccups. 

    4. Indulge! It's a special day. Don't forget to get yourself some of your favourite English treats. In honor of the happy couple, of course... :)

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