How To: Eat An Easter Egg

OK, so there's no one way to eat an Easter Egg. What type of Easter Egg eater are you?
- The crusher. You know the ones. They take the beautifully formed, delicate, hollow egg...and they smash it. Efficient? Maybe. Sacrilegious? Definitely. Good thing there's still an egg for the crusher. Check it out here.
- The saver. They just keep that egg sitting around, maybe even unopened, because they're "saving it". Gig's up, savers. We know that you're just trying to torture us. Get them an egg with lots of extras (so there's less chance of them noticing when you pinch some).
- The chiller. "It's better in the fridge" says the family member with teeth like a shark, apparently. Get them something compact, otherwise there won't be room for your actual shopping.
- The planner. We know that all you want for Easter is to sit on the sofa with your chocolate, but for the loved on in your life that just won't sit down, save yourself some grief. No more stuffing eggs with this beauty of an Easter Egg Hunt Set.
Whatever the type, we have an egg for everyone in your life. Browse the entire collection here.
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